The members of the SP4TE belong to the Industrial, Electronic, and Mechanical Engineering Department and the Department of Economics of the University of Rome “Roma Tre”. The synergy between these two Departments allows the SP4TE Lab. developing studies and researches in collaboration with the industrial and business world, in particular on the following topics: wireless/mobile communications, data and signal processing, remote sensing, and finance engineering.
The collaborations are realized through different modalities such as: partnership inside projects financed by both national and international agencies or as counseling activities.
Such a context offers new engineers the opportunity to contact research companies and agencies not only at a National level, but also at a European level.
This results in a post-university preparation of elevated level not only from the point of view of the theory but also with practical abilities and managerial skills.

The group is currently involved in the following projects:
Intelligent Secure Trustable Things (InSecTT).

Funded by: European Commission, H2020 Program and Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (MISE), Call H2020-ECSEL-2019-1-IA-two-stage. Project ID: 876038.